Information and Technology Program (ICT)

Primary School

ICT is introduced in the early years to let children experience powerful new ways to learn. The primary school lab is equipped with networked workstations that are regularly updated with the latest software.

Middle School

Students from grades 6-8 are introduced to ICT and Web based learning. The technical environment includes visualization tools, such as a visual programming environment, control technologies, and programmable bricks. In addition, visual and particularly concretizing tools offer an attractive learning environment for learning abstract skills, like programming.

Secondary and Senior Secondary

Students from grades 9 to 12 follow ICT based classes. The High school computer Lab is equipped with fully networked workstations to share data and resources and have access to centralized support to enable teaching both skills and theory.

The students develop understanding of the implications of technology in society, including social, economic and ethical uses and awareness of the ways ICT can help in solving problems in home, learning and work environments. The students are extensively taught theory and practical skills in word processors, spreadsheets, databases, interactive presentation software, web browsers.

Our Teachers and Students Achievements


Year Founded

100 +

Certified Teachers

1500 +

Graduated Students


Awards Winner