Science Department
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
Students those who studies Science
Understands a wide range of scientific processes
Enjoys all aspects of science and demonstrates a sound understanding of basic concepts
Understands and copes well with abstract concepts
Enjoys the challenge of practical problems and uses skill and knowledge effectively to overcome them
Uses concepts, knowledge and skills to ask questions and is able to design investigations to answer them
Have a thirst for scientific knowledge and reads widely to increase understanding
Beginning to show greater independence when selecting information from a range of sources
Developing an awareness and understanding of living things and their habitats
Shows sensitivity and a caring attitude towards the welfare and protection of living things
Has taken responsibility for the care of animals in the classroom
Has approached the study of the local environment with enthusiasm
Understanding of the factors which contribute to good health
SCIENCE DEPARTMENT has the following salient features.
- Holistic development
- Value-based education
- A team of committed teachers
- Building up a just and humane society
- Reasonable expenses
- State of the art infrastructure
- Openness to all
- A homely atmosphere
Learning Objectives
Through studying any of the group 4 subjects, students should become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other. While the “scientific method” may take on a wide variety of forms, it is the emphasis on a practical approach through experimental work that distinguishes the group 4 subjects from other disciplines and characterizes each of the subjects within group 4.
It is in this context that all the Diploma Programme experimental science courses should aim to:
- Provide opportunities for scientific study and creativity within a global
context that will stimulate and challenge students
- Provide a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology
- Enable students to apply and use a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology
- Develop an ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesize scientific information
- Engender an awareness of the need for, and the value of, effective collaboration and communication during scientific activities
- Develop experimental and investigative scientific skills
- Develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the study of science
- Raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology
- Develop an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations associated with science and scientists
- Encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method
Skills Acquired By Students
- Demonstrate an understanding of:
- scientific facts and concepts
- scientific methods and techniques
- scientific terminology
- methods of presenting scientific information.
- Apply and use:
- scientific facts and concepts
- scientific methods and techniques
- scientific terminology to communicate effectively
- appropriate methods to present scientific information.
- Construct, analyse and evaluate:
- hypotheses, research questions and predictions
- scientific methods and techniques
- scientific explanations.
- Demonstrate the personal skills of cooperation, perseverance and responsibility
appropriate for effective scientific investigation and problem solving. - Demonstrate the manipulative skills necessary to carry out scientific
investigations with precision and safety.
General Comments
Physics course allows students to develop traditional practical skills and techniques and to increase facility in the use of mathematics, which is the language of physics. It also allows students to develop interpersonal skills, and information and communication technology skills, which are essential in modern scientific endeavour and are important life-enhancing, transferable skills in their own right.
Physics course allows students to develop traditional practical skills and techniques and to increase facility in the use of mathematics, which is the language of physics. It also allows students to develop interpersonal skills, and information and communication technology skills, which are essential in modern scientific endeavour and are important life-enhancing, transferable skills in their own right.
This raises the issue of the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, and the social, economic and environmental implications of the work of physicists. These concerns have become more prominent as our power over the environment has grown, particularly among young people, for whom the importance of the responsibility of physicists for their own actions is self-evident.
Physics is therefore, above all, a human activity, and students need to be aware of the context in which physicists work. Illuminating its historical development places the knowledge and the process of physics in a context of dynamic change, in contrast to the static context in which physics has sometimes been presented. This can give students insights into the human side of physics: the individuals; their personalities, times and social milieux; and their challenges, disappointments and triumphs.
The school has well equipped labs for teaching Science. Students get ‘hands on experience’ by conducting experiments which make their lessons more interesting and easier to understand. Trained teachers and lab assistants ensure safety and smooth flow of experiments in the lab. The Primary students also have regular lab sessions in accordance with their curriculum.
General Laboratory Equipment
The most basic physics laboratory equipment includes fume hoods, desks, tables, benches and gas, water and vacuum lines. Safety equipment may include gloves, goggles and eyewash stations.
Electrical Equipment
A number of apparatus aid in electrical work in physics laboratories. In addition to the CV analyzer, other instruments include variable transformers , lock-in amplifiers and piezoelectric actuators. Many electrical apparatus such as the require special rubber gloves to protect the user from dangerous high voltage.
Heating Elements
Occasionally physics laboratories require heat sources for experiments, particularly for thermodynamics study. A hot plate represents the simplest heating element. Electric furnaces are also prevalent. Additionally, gas furnaces may be used to reach high temperatures. Vacuum furnaces provide the ability to dry reagents. Insulated safety gloves and tongs provide necessary protection for these apparatus.
Chemistry sets to get your child excited about science:
If your child is fascinated by all things icky, slimy, and gooey, this Parent’s Choice Foundation Silver Award Winner will delight them. Create a rainbow in a test tube using chromatography, make slime that glows, grow crystals, and understand the science behind 20 experiments in all. The station base and equipment stands with beakers, test tubes, and pipettes provide a convincing mini-version of a real laboratory. Suitable for ages six and up.
Look, we know that magic isn’t real. But teaching science through the lens of magic is a great way to get kids with active imaginations and a love of storytelling to eventually trade their wizard robes for a lab coat. They’ll get excited about drawing in “invisible ink” or conjuring up some magic wand lava—and you’ll get the satisfaction of revealing basic chemistry as the powerful reality behind their spells.
Middle-scholars and college students alike can enhance their studies of the properties, chemical reactions, and structure of organic compounds with this modeling kit. Develop a three-dimensional understanding of molecules and chemical bonding. A handy tool included in the kit easily takes apart projects so your kid can start anew.
Chemistry is the study of the composition and properties of matter, and how and why it undergoes change. Its study is central to the development of new medicines, to the secure supply of food and water and to the manufacture of innovative new materials for the 21st century.
The department is dedicated to supporting excellence in chemical education and research to meet the strategic needs UAE and the international community. We are committed to teaching and developing the next generation of scientists through a strong, innovative teaching program that equips students with skills that are useful whatever their choice of career. All our students have the opportunity to take part in projects which are part of the substantial research activity. Research is conducted across diverse fields including both fundamental and applied topics covering materials, the environment, energy, and human health. Much of this is multidisciplinary and is conducted in collaboration with colleagues in other departments at Indian Excellent Private School..

Our Teachers and Students Achievements
Year Founded
100 +
Certified Teachers
1500 +
Graduated Students
Awards Winner